Saturday, June 15, 2024

Post #199: As long as I can create, I can survive

The air is pure and clear; the sky a cloudless powder blue. It reminds me of the sequence in Walt Disney's "Fantasia" set to Beethoven's "Pastoral Symphony". It's truly paradisiacal (if that's actually a term). My son's bookcase is filled with books on art and architecture plus an entire shelf of writings by Italo Calvino, our favorite author. What more could I want? Well, I do miss my East Coast friends and occasional bad weather. There's a limit to how much perfection one can take.

My grandson and my daughter-in-law came back from their long stay in Patagonia. My daughter-in-law is a clay artist. She will make plates and I will etch drawings onto them. We will take them to market and see what happens. I'll be 94 in a few months and need a last act.. a finale for a long and interesting life.

As long as I can create, I can survive.


  1. What a beautiful sentiment and beautiful piece of writing. You are a walking master class in the art of living a full and creative life, my friend!

  2. You are creating as you think, always… so glad the environment is so pleasing … and these newly sketched dudes are enchanting … looking forward to more

  3. Hi Rene - We are just back from Europe and I saw the for sale sing on your driveway - I felt so sad you have moved but you sound wonderful!!! You are the mose upbeat positive person and have been such delightful neighbor. I smile every time I go by your house ( May times a day) and your energy and art slash make me happy. You are so amazing. I am thrilled other about your new setup and what a joy to have so much family around and new views for inspiration. I love your work and please keep posting your images. Sending lots of love and big hugs, Kathy

    1. Thanks fir the vote of confidence. I started to draw again at 1am this morning and was pleasantly surprised. There's life in the old girl yet!

  4. FROM ONE REGUGEE TO ANOTHER, I find myself in Missoula, Montana, exhausted after moving here yesterday, I am.Taking refuge in my recliner. , I stare out the window at the still snow capped mountains blessing us outside our living room window. This is the most beautiful place I have ever lived. I believe I am facing Sapphire Mountain, but I am not sure. My wish is that both of us recover and learn to love our new homes my dear Sis! With Love, Joyce

    1. Im charging up my phone now. It's almost dead. Let's talk later

  5. You are and will continue to do great work. Bob R

    1. All my artwork is going off to Tony's house in New Orleans. Keep your fingers crossed.

  6. I miss knowing you are not far from me, and we can go to the dump, and out to lunch - But I am pleased that you are happy, and enjoying the beauty in "paradise". I am so glad to hear you and your daughter in law are doing a project together, and taking them to market. Perhaps this is what was needed for your fabulous work to be exposed to a wider audience. That would be GREAT! Much love - JOAN

  7. First I need to get out of bed. Change ain't easy at my age. Miss my friends

  8. Plates I can’t wait and think I should have them. Let me see the results I am so Ute they will be delicious masterpieces. I miss you always thinking of you and your am a zing talent I still wish I had a book filled with your work. You are a fantastic person and an amazing unique artist. I miss you already florence
