There’s an old Southern
expression that was used to describe Bill Clinton when he was Governor of
Arkansas: “He’s a hard dog to keep on the porch” meaning of course his
well-known tendency to philander. It’s a great way to describe a serial
wanderer, but it doesn’t explain why the dog can’t stay “on the porch.”
Is it constitutional, part of his genetic makeup? or is it that the porch is
boring? Not enough going on to keep him there.

It got me thinking about all
the couples I knew during my fifty years of marriage, some of whom wandered off
the porch; most of who did not. The odd part was that it was usually the women
who strayed. Most of my women friends were artists of one form or another, creative
types, while their spouses were often engineers, accountants, doctors; steady
and reliable, but boring as all hell. My sweet husband used to say (with a sad
shake of his head), “No man is ever completely safe, but I’m about a close as
they get.” He was also quite large and
unpredictable and no one ever dared come near me. There was of course, one exception but I take
no particular pride in that conquest because he tried to seduce all his
wife’s friends. Since he was very attractive and macho, (a former Israeli
commando), he had no difficulty enticing them until his wife (still my friend)
decided she had enough and threw him out. The irony was, that since I never
succumbed, he became a friend and treated me forever and ever with the utmost
The women I knew, however,
were an adventurous lot. Most were monogamous like their husbands, but there
were several who loved to have scandalous affairs; in fact, the scandals were
probably more interesting than the liasons themselves. Two close friends had
well-publicized dalliances with prominent local officials. They made sure to
tell everybody in town their “secret’; after all, what was the point of having
an affair if the world didn’t know about it? (I’m surprised they didn’t take
out ads in the Advocate). I never heard their husbands complain, so, for all I
know, they were proud that their wives were so desirable - and that was what
held their marriages together. It certainly gave all their friends lots to talk
about. One of them had a lover who died (at home, with his wife, in his own
bed) just hours after spending the afternoon with her. While she was wailing
about her loss, I tried to explain how lucky she had been; if his heart had
given out just a few hours earlier, we would have had our local version of the
death of Nelson Rockefeller.
Although if took me years to
catch on, my best friend, a glamorous European sculptress was always having
love affairs. She never said a word about any of them and I only realized what
was going on when I started to question all those phone calls she had to take
“out of the room.” She was very wise about men, how to find them and keep them
around. She gave me an insight I still find useful: “Women think men are after
them for sex, but what they really want is a “warm bed.” She knew that what
kept a man in your life was affection and caring: feeding (she was a great
cook), loving and listening to him; what she wisely called ‘a ‘warm bed.’
…..And maybe that’s the way
to keep the dog on the porch….although in Bill Clinton’s case, I don’t think
anything would have worked.
This was definitely NOT an Art Blog...but entertaining !