Saturday, June 15, 2024

Post #199: As long as I can create, I can survive

The air is pure and clear; the sky a cloudless powder blue. It reminds me of the sequence in Walt Disney's "Fantasia" set to Beethoven's "Pastoral Symphony". It's truly paradisiacal (if that's actually a term). My son's bookcase is filled with books on art and architecture plus an entire shelf of writings by Italo Calvino, our favorite author. What more could I want? Well, I do miss my East Coast friends and occasional bad weather. There's a limit to how much perfection one can take.

My grandson and my daughter-in-law came back from their long stay in Patagonia. My daughter-in-law is a clay artist. She will make plates and I will etch drawings onto them. We will take them to market and see what happens. I'll be 94 in a few months and need a last act.. a finale for a long and interesting life.

As long as I can create, I can survive.