I (in a moment of madness)
decided what Stamford needed was a cabaret and what better place than Curley’s
Diner, a funky 24/7 mix of high and low and everything in between. After all,
their once a week “poetry night” had become a big success, providing one of the
few places in Fairfield County where poets could try out their work in front of
a supportive audience. Sure, there were other venues: church basements,
bookstores, but none had Curley’s atmosphere (and coffee.) Why not a cabaret?
The place was usually empty Friday night (the crowd appears after midnight) and
the sisters who owned the place seemed amenable.
Finding performers (for free)
turned out to be the easiest part. My lawyer friend Glenn, a former magician
and tarot card reader agreed to be M.C. (Joe Grey style), a couple of musicians
I knew said they would perform, the owner’s daughter, a wanna-be café singer
said she was definitely “in” and I was persuaded to do my Marlene Dietrich
imitation (I’m even more off-key than she was.) The top attraction was going to
be a “Stella” contest run by a friend from New Orleans. The competitors all
call out “Stella” and the one who sounds most like Marlon Brando in Streetcar
Named Desire wins.
Everyone I mentioned the
cabaret to was eager to come. “Please don’t forget us.” Friends from New Jersey
and Long Island said they’d be there. It soon became obvious that success was
going to ruin my idea. There simply wasn’t space enough in the back room (the
only place you could hold it) for both a stage and an audience. Curley’s would
have to add a wing in back which of course they weren’t about to do. My
brilliant idea never got off the ground.
People still ask me about it
and I apologize and explain. I’ve thought about other venues: church halls etc,
but they won’t do. If we still had the old Yale & Towne factory buildings
with their illegal resident artists, it could have gone there.
By the way, speaking of cabaret at Yale & Towne reminds me of an event that took place there around 25 years ago. A friend,
the photographer Bob Baldridge, had a great loft on the sixth floor of one of
the old industrial buildings….real BOHO style. He had a girlfriend at the time
who wanted to open a restaurant and he offered to let her try out her skills at
a spaghetti dinner in his loft. I said I’d help out. I designed some great
invitations and asked all my friends. But we made one fatal error: we didn’t
take reservations. and the night of the dinner, (for which we asked for a donation, wine included) more than a hundred people showed up. They were lined up
outside the door. Our wannabe chef had only one spaghetti pot and despite her
frantic efforts to get it to boil, no one got fed till almost midnight. It was
a spectacular disaster but the wine flowed, performers performed and everyone
had a great time. We never had the nerve to do it again.
So we try again, and take reservations this time ... at Curley's is a brilliant idea. It'll be the hottest ticket in town!