The Curse of Coming from the Suburbs
My advice to anyone who
wants to make it in the big-time art world is to remove the Scarlet Letter “S”
(for “Suburban”) from your forehead. Scrub it off! Don’t leave a trace!
"Expulsion from the Suburban Garden of Eden"- oil on canvas, 48"x72" |
hint that you are from the suburbs, born there, used to live there, currently
live here, will immediately put you out of the running. A couple of years ago,
just for the hell of it, I checked the hundred or so exhibitors at a Whitney
Biennial and guess what, only one or two listed suburban addresses, not just
New York, but anywhere else in the country. I’ve had friends who have tried to
pass as city dwellers by giving phony addresses, but it just doesn’t work. It’s
the Scarlet Letter “S.” You can’t get rid of it. An artist from the Suburbs? No
chance! Dealers, curators, trendy arts writers can spot you right away.
"Loehmann's Dressing Room" - oil and charcoal on canvas , 68"x104" |
Suburban Art all that bad? Well, yes, most of it is. But so is what comes out
of Brooklyn or Queens; 90% of that is dreadful as well, just a little more
pretentiously avant garde and with better-written “explanatory” verbiage. The
main problem I see with local art is that it suffers from two things: small
working spaces (to do important work today you need space) and something an
architectural historian friend of mine used to call the “Retardataire,”
describing the lag between the main cultural centers and those of the
outskirts. He was referring primarily to architectural styles but it also
applies to the arts. In Stamford, for
example, most of the art I see was “hot” more than fifty years ago in New York.
The train from New York City is slow; what can I tell you? And the Scarlet
Letter “S” follows you everywhere.
"More Suburbia " - oil on canvas, 72"x46" |
years ago (twenty maybe?) I trotted into the city with a box of slides and a viewer.
I was reluctant to go but a friend persuaded me to tag along with her to see if
we could find a New York City (SOHO) Gallery to show our work. When we got to Ivan Karp’s prominent “O.K.
Harris Gallery”, he was sitting there, looking at slides. He liked what I
showed him and asked where my studio was - he wanted to drop by. When I replied
that I lived in Stamford, he pushed my work away and said, “I only have a 20
minute radius.” When a prominent artist friend later talked to him about me, he
said haughtily, “I never go to the suburbs to see art.” Mr. Karp, at least, was
being honest about the Scarlet “S.”
leaves you/me with two alternatives: one is to move into the city, forget that
you ever lived here, deny that your parents live here, that you went to school
here; make up a story that you were found in a trash can on West Fourth Street
and were brought up by friends of Allen Ginsburg in Greenwich Village. Or, you
can do what I am doing: accept the reality that the Scarlet “S” is going to be
on your forehead forever and just keep on creating. There’s much to be said for
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