known lots of “gruesome twosomes” over the years. Their bond survives emotional
and physical abuse of the highest order, sometimes subtle, sometimes overt. I’ve
known couples who haven’t spoken to one another for decades, or, if they did,
it was only to insult or demean the another. I’ve known couples who haven’t
touched one another in years (forget actual sex). Amazingly, their bond
survives all challenges: infidelity (real and psychological), addiction,
indifference and plain old mental cruelty. If one of the pair attempts to
change, to make their lives better, the other fights tooth and nail to keep the
status quo.

some strange reason, they make great subject matter for my paintings. George
Grosz, my idol, the German Expressionist, drew some of the best ‘gruesome
twosomes’ ever. Although I never
deliberately set out to draw them, they keep turning up in my work. Maybe it’s
because there are so many of them around.
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