I’ve written before about
my former life as a suburban satirist. Why “former”? Surely there are plenty of
things to poke fun at today. And isn’t
satire one of the best ways to fight tyranny and injustice? Well, yes and no.
Villains usually don’t mind if you hate them; they thrive on being hated. But
what they really can’t tolerate is being made fun of. I’m sure our present
leader puts the Saturday Night Live cast at the top of his list for the Gulag
if he gets enough power.
American art has never been big on satire.
After all you can’t expect the kind of people who buy art to pay money to be
laughed at. About the only time there were some reasonably good satirists in
this country was during the 1930s, the Great Depression. Since no one was
buying artwork anyhow, artists were freer to speak their mind. Publicly
subsidized art like WPA murals, tended to concentrate on the positive aspects
of American life, but there were also quite a few unaffiliated artists who
“made a living” (and not much more) - Jack Levine or Ben Shahn - out of ‘social
satire.’ What little political humor there was quickly vanished when Senator
Joseph McCarthy and his Committee on Un-American Activities showed up in the
1950s. Abstraction Expressionism soon took over in the art world. There was no
social criticism in drips and dabs.
When I started to paint
again in the 1970s, after my children went off to school, I poked gentle fun at
what I though were the foibles of suburbia. I have an attic full of paintings
of clubwomen, American Legionaires and DAR ladies pouring tea. They seem dated
given what is going on today. However, the “portraits” I did of local real
estate developers and their cronies still seem pretty relevant, especially when
you consider our present Head of State. As director of a local preservation
organization, I found myself constantly outgunned by the bastards who were
easily able to buy off everyone - politicians, government officials - who stood
in their way.
Over the years, I’ve done a
number of series that would be funny if they weren’t intrinsically tragic. My
favorite is one I’ve never dared exhibit (too “x” rated.) It is based on the
gross ugliness underneath the expensively coiffed and outfitted Trumps of this
world – he’s far from unique. I call it my “Men’s Bathhouse Series,” paper
cutouts of local developers and their cronies, men who wear expensive suits but
you wouldn’t want to see what lies underneath. Our current President is a
perfect example. Unfortunately, the sponsors of this blog censor nakedness of
any sort (even when it’s meant to be funny, not prurient) and I don’t know of a
single gallery that would be willing to run the risk of showing them, dressed
or undressed. So, here are some “safe” examples from my “Bathhouse Series,” men
of power fully clothed or in their skivvies. For a peek at what lies beneath
their high-priced outer garments, you will have to use your imagination (or
come to my studio.)
P.S. I can’t
bring myself to be a satirist any more. There’s nothing remotely funny about
what’s going on.