Creative thinking requires
concentration. You need to get into a state (now fashionably referred to as
“flow”) where ideas filter through the unconscious mind and come out in new
forms. I am often asked what I listen to when I am painting and my questioner
is usually surprised to hear “Nothing. I require total silence.” There’s no
such thing as “background noise” to me; any noise, especially the human voice,
is a distraction.

We live in a world of
multi-tasking, another way of describing doing many things, not AT once – that
is physically impossible - but rapidly switching from one activity to another.
In addition, we are subject to endless distractions and become easily addicted
to our electronics. You have only to watch people at a party sneakily checking
their iPhones while appearing to converse with you. What are they expecting
that can’t wait an hour or so? An invitation to be Cinderella at the Ball? It
takes enormous discipline (which I don’t have) not to check my e-mail with ever
increasing frequency. We start out being “connected” for good reasons: young
children alone at home, your spouse needs to be picked up at the train, etc.
and before you know it, you are hooked, an electronic junkie!

P.S. During the hour or so I
spent writing this, I received four phone calls, three from telemarketers. I
didn’t answer any of them, but it was hard to get back my flow. Next time, I’ll
turn everything off (or at least, I’ll try).